Importance of long tail keywords and Phrases | etraderevolution
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Importance of long tail keywords or phrases


It is well established that SEO has become an integral part of a successful online business. In order to make a profitable business, sufficient organic traffic should reach to your site gateways. Not only enough leads or traffic matters but also the visitors should be interested in your business. What is the point if thousands of online visitors see your business but don’t make any buying decision? Therefore conversion rate is very important for profit and sustainable business.


Now the next and important question is who and why people will buy from your site? Even if you are able to attract online prospects but their requirement and needs are not met by your business then why they would decide on buying from you? This requires synergy and alignment of your business and service with the needs of your prospects. You need to create content which can attract right kind of prospects to your site gateways. This further requires research of right kind of keyword phrases for your content. Therefore when the people frame keywords according to their needs then those phrases should be present in your content.


In summary, you should understand the search psychology of your targeted customers, their needs and intent and incorporating their requirement in the form of sentences or phrases in your content. But again important catch here is that your phrases should be specific and more targeted. The general keywords won’t help in landing right kind of prospects on your site gateways. For example, you are an online seller of fresh rose flowers in your city (Delhi). So if anyone makes the search for “flowers” in search engines they won’t land on your site because there are tons of sites containing keyword “flowers”. This term is too general and hence requires more refinement. This is where the importance of long tail keywords lies.

What about if you incorporate long phrases like “fresh rose flowers in Delhi” in your content? So if there are serious customers who are looking for fresh rose flowers in the city of Delhi, it is more likely that search engines will show your site to them. Since they are the people who are in the actual need of rose flowers there are high chances that they would buy from your site. By adding “rose” in the phrase you are targeting specific customers of roses. Here fresh word works like modifier and “Delhi” as localizer which will also help in better local search rank. For a small business that is operating in a particular city, it is important to use that city name in the content. This is just one example of long tail phrase around the main keyword “flowers”. This way by making your content rich in many different types of long tail phrases around your base keyword “flowers” can help in better targeting and attracting right kind of customers.


It is an indeed difficult task to frame such enriching keywords manually. The keyword research tools can help in analyzing terms or keywords which are targeted by your competitors. These tools provide the latest search volume, difficulty level, CPC and other important statics about your seed keyword. They also show URLs of top competitors in your niche or area. This way you can gather many important ideas about creating quality content which is profitable.


How to find long tail keywords? There are two types of keyword research tools, free and paid. Of course, paid tools are better than free tools because they come with enhanced features and latest data. If you are small business owners or just started venturing into SEO techniques, the free tools can help you a lot in understanding the demand of your business and writing better quality content.


What are the best free tools for long tail phrase research? There are many free research tools available however it is suggested that to get the best results, a combination of multiple tools will be more beneficial because no free tool can provide all features. By using advanced search operators, Google Search can provide insights into the intent of your customers. For example, you can use operator (How *) to get important ideas about all popular questions being typed in Google about a topic. Keyword Tool generates 750+ long tail keywords for every seed word. This tool uses Google Autocomplete, therefore, it is based on Google’s search suggestions.


Ubersuggest is one of the important free tools. By using Just seed word, you will get much useful information about the words for which your competitors are being ranked high. It will also give beneficial data like monthly search volume, CPC and URLs.


Another great free tool is wordstream. Just enter seed word and choose industry and country you will get related keyword suggestions along with Google search volume. Another beneficial free tool is Answer the Public. It will show related questions around the main word.


What are the best-paid tools?  The paid tools come with many advanced features which can be used in-depth analysis of long tail phrases. For advanced research below are some of the most important and widely used paid tools.


When it comes to paid tool SEMRUSH is the leader. It comes with many advanced features. KWfinder is another great paid tool after SEMRUSH.


How to use long tail phrases for SEO friendly content creation? Finding beneficial keywords is not enough but they should be used in a properly structured way. You must use these highly beneficial phrases in the title, H1 heading and Meta description. The other related words or variants can be used in paragraphs, but the phrase which has significant high search volume and slightly low competition must be used in the title page of the topic. The second important phrase should be used in H1 heading and the next phrase in Meta Description. This hierarchy of using keywords based on decreasing order of search volume is important because customer’s decision to visit page mainly depends on the attractiveness of these three sections.


Analysis of keywords and using profitable phrases in the content is essential from a search engine ranking perspective. It is well known that big giants in the same area of e-commerce have an unlimited capacity for budgets, employees and resources for marketing campaigns. Generally, the big giants or e-commerce companies are more focused on short tail phrases because they want to rank high for broad words. The small businesses simply cannot compete in broad or short tail words with these well established giant corporations. Therefore the research of profitable long sentences provides an opportunity for them to compete against big companies. However, the search volume for these phrases may be less but they are very specific to customer’s intent and need. They have great potential of conversion. The long tail phrases are also important for small writers, blog post and bloggers from the content marketing point of view.


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